the darkness that lives deep in my chest
use her to paint with
to drape with
to create something beautiful out of pain
i have been watching a lot of old lady gaga interviews and
listening to THE FAME album.
she’s always been an artist from the very beginning i respected
i loved her weirdness, her putting her darkness into art
and not giving a fuck of what anyone thought
to be unique and different
my high school senior quote was something she said
“you laugh at me because i’m different, i laugh at you because you’re all the same”
growing up in a more conservative southern city in georgia, i
was often ridiculed by teenage boys that i was “trying so hard to be different”
because i didn’t like wearing lily pulitzer or jack rogers sandals.
i was on tumblr early as an 11 year old, worshipping lana del rey and odd future.
even though some of their comments bothered me a bit, i still didn’t
want to conform to what any of them thought was cool lol. maybe
that was my teenage pettiness.
i remember one boy i liked in high school told me that i was
at my peak in the 10th grade. HA. i think he never left my hometown.
there’s a another quote Gaga said from a Vogue interview in 2021,
“if you believe in yourself, you don’t need other people to tell you you’re great,
to know that you’re an artist on the inside already.”
this one really hits
we’re all artists
i wanna be in my gaga era
i wanna make weird art i wanna show my darkness
imagine if you were to conform
to live your life for others
their approval
their taste level
what they think is good or bad
imagine not being who you really are because
some insecure 17 year old boy told you
your new bangs look dumb and asks why you can’t just wear
normal outfits like the other girls
that would be a shame!
release what anyone else thinks of you
it actually isn’t your business.
and being free from that
can look like creating some of the
greatest art of your life,
because its real and authentic and it’s you.
and i hope that grown up boy now
is free to live
his life the way he wants