when i was little, i was obsessed with the moon
my mom used to sing me a lullaby about me looking at the moon,
and the moon looking back at me. i always felt called to it
as i grew up, i discovered my zodiac sign, cancer, is ruled by the moon,
so wow of course it makes sense!!! plus my moon is in cancer too. a lot of emotion lol.
she also used to get books for me like Fairyoplois, and this book series Madonna wrote called the English Roses.
my aunt would always gift me cute presents with little fairy dust attached, or
tiny letters from an angel. i cherished these things
and it still brings me joy to think about.
i think it’s why im so attracted to magical things
my cousin and i used to pretend we could go to a made up place,
sort of like Narnia, behind a wall in her playroom
it was so much fun, and i wanted it to be real so bad
i think even know in my adult life, this is why i love escape.
it gives me that same feeling when i was little,
the magic of it all. to go to another realm, and see things like
fairies, clouds made of cotton candy,
sparkly rivers, fields of grass that i could run in.
i used to really believe in fairies and mermaids
so much to the point, me and my childhood bestfriend
used to go hunting in my neighborhood for them
i think its always special for me to keep up a
sense of magic in my life. to collect little trinkets,
write people hand written letters,
small memorabilia mean a lot to me.
its what keeps the fantasy alive <3